Androgynous Keys®



MAY 2025 NEW* The WHole posture- the radiance of the soul

The Sacred Union of the Opposites. For one to arrive at zero point from which all of existence radiates, the alchemical union within the individual is required. Ardhanarishvara is the cosmic representation of the inner union of the Divine Feminine and Masculine, creating the Sacred Marriage of the union of the spirit with the soul, and the soul with the body.  We will work with Embodiment teachings to become this Union through a physical form and each session we will work with an in-depth protocol to bridge this healed state of the life force into the human body and to dream while in a awakened Awareness.



A New central living myth has been birthed. A new myth to give us hope and new meaning to our existence. Awakening Neuro-Androgyny® births a new way of co-creating by bringing changes in the inner brain structure through re- patterning, reuniting and resurrecting Ardhanareeshwara, our inner anima and animus and awakening the opposites within. Where the brain divides lies the Gate of Androgyny.


 NEW* July 2024 Illumination medicine WHEEL

9 Embodiment Classes to Support your Own Inner Union of the Manifested Divine Presence, The Souls Descent into the Body - Embodiment Medicine Wheel Journey to walk with Self Mastery - something only you can discover and know about yourself and to open the Greatest Doors within, unlocking this Self Discovery within.