Androgynous Keys®

Joshua’s Early Childhood

It was between the ages of 3-5 years old that Joshua remembered the Androgynous Keys® and his souls higher evolutionary purpose. 

Shortly after, Joshua’s first Kundalini Awakenings began, he started to go in and out of theta brain wave states causing him to move in and out of various states of consciousness as a teenager. Joshua’s family’s concerns for his health lead them to consult medical professionals for answers when he was 11 years old. Medical tests and brain scans were completed, yet all tests came back concluding he was healthy, and the only advice given was that the unexplained “fits” may be linked to epilepsy but eventually the doctors couldn’t find any cause. 

At the age of 14 years old, Joshua fell ill and was misdiagnosed by various doctors, after then finally being told he had contracted Glandular Fever. Joshua’s Grandmother, a Prophet for Christ, owned her own Church in South Africa and came over one evening placing her hands over his forehead and started praying in tongues (light language). Joshua awoke the next morning instantly healed, and went back to school that very day. This sparked a deeper curiosity within Joshua around the power of prayer and miraculous healing powers of God and the light that emanates from the Holy Spirit. 

At the age of 16 years old, Joshua met a Shaman Prophet synchronistically, who guided him to study the healing arts and follow the life calling of his Soul. This Prophet guided Joshua through his various Kundalini Awakening Processes, explaining how there was a bigger plan for his existence and reassuring him that this process was a key part of this plan, and his gifts to humanity. 

When Joshua was 20 years old, he met another Shaman Prophet who instructed for him to go to Stonehenge in England. It was after Joshua moved to England the next year, and received an access pass to enter the middle of Stonehenge, that Joshua experienced a profound spiritual awakening in the middle of Stonehenge that activated a further remembrance of his message and the evolutionary destiny of humanity.

From the age of 23 years old, Joshua’s Kundalini Awakenings intensified, and Joshua went through a 18 year period of Kundalini and Spiritual Awakenings that supported an embodiment process to prepare his physical body and nervous system to hold the energy transmissions and teachings of his life work of Androgynous Keys®, to help humans awaken Neuro-Androgyny®, by bringing changes in the inner brain structure through re- patterning, reuniting and resurrecting Ardhanareeshwara, our inner anima and animus.

Ardhanareeshwara holds the union of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within the brain - this is the next spiral of evolution for humanity, to embody the Future Brain of Neuro-Androgyny®. This process starts with a sense of tension arising within an individual as they experience an internal yearning to be united with something else, outside or inside themselves. Each human is composed of many opposites, and through the resolution of these opposites that are within them at conflict, they can be brought into unity to produce a way of being that is in sync with the true rhythm of life, and has regained the embodied consciousness of Divine Androgyny.

The Future Human Race has arrived.


“the embodiment of Transcended Kundalini Dissolves the illusions of separation and births oneness with the Divine”

- Joshua Maree
